14 years ago

thirty-six + a few days

How far along? 36 weeks . One month left! Baby’s Size 48 cm and 2.9 kg. At our last ultrasound we found out that our little girl has a hea...
14 years ago

Dear little one...

your dada has gone back to college this week and I'm getting a taste of what the year will be like. except.. pretty soon I am going to h...
14 years ago

all clear

Once again my pregnancy fears have been taken away. My test came back normal. No cholestasis for me. My hands and feet are still itchy as ev...
14 years ago


My dad got me a whole lot of watercolour pencils for christmas. Until then my art stores were very limited. I did a painting course at uni s...
14 years ago

guest posting

My due date is exactly one month away! Eeeeek! I'm guessing that I won't have a lot of time/energy for blogging after the little one...
14 years ago

weekend fun + an unhelpful itch

We had a really nice weekend. On Saturday Myl and I had a lovely sleep in and then went to breakfast.  Saturday was a walking and bus day an...
14 years ago


I've been getting my craft on. I found a big barrel of 50c balls of wool and bought quite a few of them. The result? Booties. In many di...
14 years ago

and this?

My mum saw this mornings post and decided that one cute baby photo was not enough for one day. Love you mum. Here is the girl version. A lit...
14 years ago

Class Number .... ?

We went to our second last baby class on Wednesday. Oh boy have the classes been eye opening. This particular one was on baby care. We learn...
14 years ago

the food of love

So the other day I made some tasty Valentines dinner for my lovely Myl. Here's what I made butter chicken choc self-saucing pudding love...
14 years ago


How far along? 35 weeks Baby’s Size 47 cm and 2.6 kg Where she is: head down and facing the right. It feels like she is moving lower every ...

vote for me?

They just reset the voting counters on Top Baby Blogs which means my blog is right back at the end again. :( I would love it if you could vo...
14 years ago

my funny valentine xx

He is the love of my life. Myl is off at his first day back at college today and I miss him. I'm gonna cook him butter chicken and choco...
14 years ago

baby shoes

baby shoes by tuscanybrown on Polyvore.com
14 years ago

womb eye candy

We had an ultrasound today. All is well with the little one. Her placenta has moved up to the top nicely which means I don't have to hav...
14 years ago

Dear little one...

we get to see you again today! In just a little over an hour your dada and I will get to see your sweet little self up on the screen. We nee...
14 years ago


How far along? 34 weeks. Baby’s Size 46 cm and 2.4 kg Where she is: Head down and running out of room fast. Maternity Clothes: Anything w...
14 years ago

sing to your baby

I like singing. I have been singing to the little one since she could hear and even before that. Call me a control freak but I would like to...
14 years ago

goodbye goodbye

I looked after the boys I have been nannying for the last time today. It was pretty sad. I got emotional after they went to bed. I have had ...
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