10:48 AM

over cooked

I think I need to resign myself to the fact that this little one is going to come in her own sweet time. I have tried everything short of pe...
10:15 AM

good girl!

There is one special little lady in my belly. After going to my last midwife appointment and being so worried about her facing forward and n...
5:46 PM

still here

I'm the kind of blog reader who obsesses about other peoples babies. When someone is almost due I check my blogger dashboard several tim...
3:03 PM


How far along? 40 weeks. I'm due today so where is this baby? Baby’s Size God only knows. Where she is: head down still only 3/5 enga...
4:57 PM

the waiting game

nope, no baby yet... Still no obvious labour signs yet either. I'm getting pretty keen for this little one to come. While I have been wa...
11:56 AM

Dear little one...

your due date is only five days away. Your dada and I have been waiting such a long time for you to arrive and now it is so soon we can smel...
10:48 PM


I can't find our camera. It has gone missing so here is my artists interpretation of what I look like this week. No joke I have what app...

mama bird

I have been having a lovely little nest the past few days. Just like a mama bird preparing to lay her little baby eggs. It sounds very seren...
10:57 PM

i could eat a horse...

this picture actually makes me want to hurl... it's not horse ...in small ammounts over the course of a whole day. But a horse it would ...
3:43 AM


Myl and I love doing our groceries together. Closer to the truth is that I love doing the groceries and Myl loves carrying the bags. Sometim...
11:52 PM


How far along? 3 8 weeks. 2 weeks till my due date. Baby’s Size Where she is: Head down and still only 4/5 engaged. She has been at this s...
10:00 AM

after the babe

I got just a little bit excited about jeans the other day. I was hanging out at the shopping centre where Myl works waiting for him to finis...
10:34 AM

lazy risotto

I had never eaten risotto till a few years ago and I love it! I'm a bit of a rice fan. The first risotto I cooked was a chicken and mush...
7:26 PM

thirty seven

How far along? 37 weeks + 3 days (this is what happens when photographer/husbands are not on holidays). full term! Baby’s Size average of ...
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