my baby - 10 months old

7:00 AM

In May last year our precious little baby boy was born.
He's now 10 months old and while his life has been pretty well documented on Instagram, I wanted to write about him here to capture some memories of his baby days.

He is a super smiley baby.
He's got a cheeky grin and a great giggle.
He really likes things that make noise. Any item is given a shake to determine whether it makes sound. Soundless items are often dumped without ceremony. He loves when I move my hand on his mouth while he sings. Endless entertainment. He loves playing hitting the piano and he tolerates my almost constant singing at him. A song for every occasion.

He crawls around the house like crazy, usually looking for me. (Thankyou 10 month separation anxiety) His knees and toes are always covered in dust and all the Lego is repeatedly put up out of mouths way. I'm not sure if he'll match his sisters and walk before the end of the month. Watch this space.

He loves reading books with feely bits and we read the "Thats not my ____" books A LOT. He quite likes being outside and I often spend time just sitting and watching with him on our front steps. He forces me to slow down. He is pretty fascinated by the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine but has a low tolerance for not Mamas attention. And so when he is awake we sit and play and read and sing and count his little piggy toes.

He is very loved by all the ladies at bible study and is generous with his wide smiles. When all the stars align and he is neither tired nor hungry he'll even crawl off and find a new lap to sit in.

He has a bit of a love hate relationship with food. Of course, being put in the high chair means going out of Mamas arms and that really is sometimes a bit too much to bear. But he does love a good bit of avocado, banana, yoghurt, meat and veg. But not together. Much of the food ends up on the floor.

He loves faces. Particularly pinching or hitting them to see what happens. He is learning the words "gentle" and "no". At the moment a stern reproof gets a giggle but he's learning. His big sisters howling in his face after a good hair yank is having a bit of an impact on him.
Oh, his sisters. He adores them and they him. Except when he pulls their hair.

We are all so glad our boy is part of the family.
It is exhausting having 3 kids. Life rushes past and I feel as though I barely come up for air.
I'd love an uninterrupted sleep and I'm loosing hair and a bit of sanity but to see this little fella and the way his eyes light up when he sees me, or the way he cackles when I push him in the swing fills my heart right up.

We hoped and prayed for him for so long and some days I barely believe that he is here with us.
He's such a treasure.

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