7:00 AM

What's up?

I'm finding it hard to get regular posts up lately so I thought I'd try a new style of post called "what's up" where I...

2 - fourteen

Feeling Good! It's warming up, the birds are singing and the world is a happier sunnier place. I feel like I'm starting to show but ...
2:55 PM


A few weeks ago Lucy and I were invited to the Betts kids spring launch. So along we went with two of our friends to The Bucket List at Bond...
1:01 PM


This weekend I'm going away with a few friends. I'll be leaving my little girl and her dada home alone. While I'm completely con...
9:50 PM

Day for happy fathers.

As I write this post, a man is upstairs with a little awake girl. He is patiently lying and waiting for her to go to sleep. He is her dada. ...
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