11:17 PM

Baby Flicks - Intro

This is a weekly post which will review a baby movie and comment on how realistic etc it is. The first review will be coming next week. I ha...
12:00 AM


I went to the doctor today. All is well... mostly. My doctor called me up at 8am and said some of the levels in my blood test were a little ...
5:45 PM

My day.

I have had a really lovely day. The sun was shining and all was well. I started my morning with Job Number 2 (or is it 1?) looking after kid...
8:45 PM

Dr. Who?

I went for my first dr/baby appointment this morning. It made me more excited for my little one. I felt really proud as my doctor went throu...
10:56 PM

Count your blessings

I am a very blessed little girly. I thought it would be important to think of all the things that are sweet and lovely about my life right n...
12:42 PM

Books for the Bobbin #1

I have always loved reading and read a lot when I was little. I think its pretty important to teach your kids to love books. This little seg...
11:53 AM

The first food shop.

Myles and I went food shopping for the first time since finding out about our little one. Not an unusual thing to do at all. We usually go t...
1:46 AM

Oh my you are SO young!

I have always loved babies. Really. I think that they are the bees very knees. I have always imagined children in my life. Lots of them. Run...
10:09 PM


There are lots of things that change when you have a little one inside. I found out about my little one on a church youth camp. It was day t...
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