To grow closer
Life has been a little all over the place since...well I can't remember when it wasn't. Lu and I have just spent the week away from Myl. That was hard. I've been struggling over thinking about who I am as a wife of a future pastor, mother and woman of God. It's tough.
One thought that God has given me is that in order to be a good wife, mother and woman, I need to practice and u need Him. I've always been a flaky bible reader but I have realised that it is LIFE giving.
Wait a second.
It is LIFE giving. A book. Gives life?
Well yes it does.
It is life giving, life changing, life destroying, life filled. It is a book worth reading over and over again.
So in giving it a read hot go. I've got through Romans and am working through Daniel. Just a few verses at a time. In the morning while Myl and lu play. As I read I write and I doodle just to keep the joy visually in my mind all day.
And oh does God give life when you read his life giving book. I've had a shocker of a few months growing and learning and changing. What joy! It's not over but nor is life.
Won't you join me, reading, writing and doodling through this book that gives life?
One thought that God has given me is that in order to be a good wife, mother and woman, I need to practice and u need Him. I've always been a flaky bible reader but I have realised that it is LIFE giving.
Wait a second.
It is LIFE giving. A book. Gives life?
Well yes it does.
It is life giving, life changing, life destroying, life filled. It is a book worth reading over and over again.
So in giving it a read hot go. I've got through Romans and am working through Daniel. Just a few verses at a time. In the morning while Myl and lu play. As I read I write and I doodle just to keep the joy visually in my mind all day.
And oh does God give life when you read his life giving book. I've had a shocker of a few months growing and learning and changing. What joy! It's not over but nor is life.
Won't you join me, reading, writing and doodling through this book that gives life?
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