
7:00 AM
Last year when we went to vivid we imagined taking our 14 month old the next year.
2011 saw a little girl slightly impressed at some flashy colours and falling asleep in the stroller.

2012 saw this...*

1. Sweet little beanie that wasn't really needed. Unusually warm evening despite the rain.
2. A lit up hopscotch. Lucy didn't really get the idea of lining up and waiting your turn. She just wanted to stand on the light. 
3. Igloo made out of bottles and a poser.
4. There was a wind chime inside this and Lucy was entranced. People were entranced by Lucy. She had quite a crowd.
5. A shreikingwithlaughter little girl running through the lights.

She HOWLED the place down when it was time to leave. It was great to be able to share in Lucys excitement and take her somewhere fun. 

*please excuse the terrible quality iPhone photos.

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