2 - sixteenish

it's actually closer to seventeen but oh well.


smalls move! some small bubble pops and then definite movement. One night it felt like smalls was sitting right high on my tummy it was all popped out and moving. Seriously awesome.
I had my first midwife appointment and she said she couldn't use the doppler so this bit of movement makes me feel a whole lot better.


getting into exercise. I'm really struck by how unfit I am and how much I need to be ready for the marathon that is childbirth. I always intended to get back into shape before getting pregnant but kinda missed my chance. I'm not intending to run kilometers but just feel more confident about going the labour distance. I'm also looking into VBAC classes. My hospital doesn't run them so I'm on the lookout.


or not! I keep having pregnancy moments. Feeling quite happy about calling it baby brain but I have my suspicions it might just be me.
It's so different this time round. Two years ago my thoughts were consumed by Lucy but now, I sometimes forget I'm pregnant. Especially when about to put my mouth around a ham sandwich or something.

sixteen weeks full of Lucy

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