2 - twenty
This babe turns a week older every Thursday. It's Tuesday. This is late. Just saying. There might be a twenty one post on Thursday. Or next Tuesday...
This is what I was doing on Thursday instead of taking photos of my bumpy bump.
My bump is getting bigger. It's getting pretty noticeable. I'm feeling little kicks and Myl has felt them too.
I've been napping with Lucy and having mama moments on the lounge. Let's just say a LOT of Peppa Pig has been watched this week.
I've gone into nesting mode a bit. It hasn't hit crazy mama bird stage but I'm constantly thinking of reordering the cupboards.
I'm still sleeping on my back/side/tummy. I was really paranoid about this with Lucy but this time am just concerned with comfort. I know pretty soon I wont be able to sleep on my tummy so am making the most of it.
About the ultrasound. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous.
I'm also wondering how to fit a cot into our bedroom. I can feel some tetris playing coming on.
twenty weeks of Lucy
twenty weeks of Lucy
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