Advent grace

11:35 AM
I struggle so hard to be an organised person.
It's not something I find easy at all.
Each year I have the best of intentions for advent. I think of all these wonderful things to do.

This year I have fretted and fluttered about like a little lost bird. I've searched Pinterest for trendy DIY gift ideas. I've researched food to make. Roast dinners, cookies to bake with Lucy. I've thought about family and trips to see them
About how many hours we will spend I the car and about how Lucy's naps will suffer. I've thought about family dynamics and how to make people happy.

But in all that flapping I've forgotten to be still.
My homemade advent calendar went up on the 13th. My reading plan sits with only one day ticked.

I've forgotten to be still and remember the joy behind all the presents and food and family.

I forgot to remind myself of the little baby was born king, grew up to die and became our saviour.

But you know what? Advent doesn't have to start on the first of December. It's a
Mighty fine idea to do so but it's not the hard and fast rule. It doesn't even have to end on the 25th. So I'm thinking of the grace that Jesus came to share and giving it to myself. Won't you join me?

If you forgot advent this year why not start today?
Read the story of Christmas, sing a carol with your mum, do something each day to say thank you God for sending your son.

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