2 - thirty three

1:22 PM
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I'm starting to feel the kind of kicks that can be identified as body parts. It's pretty lovely and very poky. I think room is getting a little tighter in there.
It's getting a bit tricky to sleep, I get the odd bout of heartburn but all in all I'm feeling pretty good.


Myl was away last week from Wednesday to Sunday. It was pretty tough. Not so much the solo parenting stuff but the missing my husband stuff.
I need to write a baby to do list. Pack my bag for hospital? Get ready for this little one?


In two ish months a little snugly baby will be joining our ranks. I am really looking forward to meeting her. I'm hoping hoping hoping to not have a caesarean this time. I've been training my body and mind but in the end I guess I just want her.

thirty two weeks of Lucy

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