10:00 AM

loungeroom makeover

I'm redecorating the loungeroom on a strict budget. As low as possible. I'm using fabrics and things I've already got to refresh...
10:00 AM

dada date

Myl and Luce had their first outing together last week. They went to the shops. Lucy fell asleep in the sling. It was sweet. I stayed home a...
8:13 PM

the cut

my hair is a little ratty at the moment. It's been a while since I had it cut. It's at the stage where I can just put it up but no m...
10:00 AM

7am project

I only have one photo for this week. I have fantastic excuses including late nights, lack of charged camera battery etc, feeling like death ...
11:12 AM

twelve weeks old

my little girl is twelve weeks old We have both been a little unwell the past few days. Lucy got a cold and then lovingly passed it on to me...
6:47 PM


Source: None via May on Pinterest I haven't blogged in a whole week. It's been raining and gloomy. My mood has oft' fit the we...
1:39 PM

eleven weeks old

my little girl is eleven weeks old we have been cloth nappying for a few weeks but for the last few days the heavens have opened up and the...
11:00 AM


Source: myrecipes.com via Eloise on Pinterest It's getting wintry here in ole Sydney town. We have had lots of rainy days that Lucy an...
1:42 PM

practical craft

before the little one arrived I made a decision that she would be a sustainababy. My number one method of procreating sustainably was to use...
10:06 AM

what we wore

This is what we wore on Saturday to go to our friends place. It was so chilly so we got all rugged up and had plenty of cuddles. Lucy's ...
9:00 AM


Source: jackandizzy.blogspot.com via Antonia on Pinterest Source: emmanygren.freshnet.se via Anne Kristine on Pinterest Source: aviewto....
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