1:56 PM

five months old

my little girl is five months old she is getting so big. five is nearly six and six means solids which is REALLY big baby stuff. It's be...
3:02 PM


I love lemon-meringue pie. It's always been one of those things that I thought was too tricky and fiddly to make but I got a new cookboo...
11:02 AM

Off to Nana's house

  Source: notsohumblepie.blogspot.com via Sarah on Pinterest There's this story in our family about how my older sister tasted her fir...
10:00 AM

The lone napper

Source: homesickpipe.deviantart.com via findwildness on Pinterest Source: funsies.com via Michelle on Pinterest She's doing it. I...
10:00 AM

things i love - songs of worship

I'm a Christian. My favourite songs to sing are to God. There are so many beautiful and wonderful ones. Some of my favourites are on thi...
10:00 AM

orange + poppyseed muffins

 Here are some muffins I baked using this recipe. I changed it a little by using butter instead of oil, raw sugar instead of brown and inste...
8:40 PM


Source: fromupnorth.com via Tifaine @ on Pinterest I didn't know whether to post this or not but in the interests of not coming across...
2:08 PM

oh hallo

this is the face I get when I try to take a photo of Lucy. The little orange light in the camera freaks her out. Vote for the cuteness?
1:05 PM

four months old

my little girl is four months old. She is growing and changing every day. She loves moving around, holding things and putting everything in ...
10:00 AM

dear Lucy

It's been a while since I've written you a letter. Yesterday I was watching you sleep beside me. You had just eaten and had fallen a...
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