The lone napper

10:00 AM

She's doing it.
I'm not sure why, I'm not sure how,
but my baby girl is napping all by her little lonesome.

It started on Friday when I was visiting my nana. (A tale I shall have to tell another day)
I put her down on a rug on the floor.
She was tired.
She wouldn't go to sleep in my arms.
She kicked around.
and fell asleep.

She stayed asleep for about two hours.

And then on Sunday she did it again.
And then on Monday afternoon again!

She is sleeping longer than when she is in my arms.
(Probably because I usually get up to go to the bathroom/do laundry/make lunch and she wakes up.)
My little girl is getting so big.

I guess it's all really good because she is getting less able to fall asleep in my arms. Especially when there are other more interesting people around.
All she needs is a little bit of shhh, some darkness and some sleepy sleepy eyes.

I feel glad because she is really starting to struggle with going out and getting tired but at the same time it is a little sad to see that she doesn't need me in this way anymore.

Looks like I can start doing some nap-time craft projects.

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