Almost done.

7:01 PM

On Wednesday Myl will finish studying.

It's going to be so. good.

Each time the holidays almost roll at round our family hits survival mode. Assignments are due, exams are looming but life goes on. Babies still wake at night, toddlers still have accidents and meltdowns. It's a tough time. 

And then (oh sweet joy) come the holidays. 

Even though Wednesday is going to be darn near the best day all year I've been so amazingly proud of my Mylo these past four years. 

I'm proud of the way he's knuckled down and learnt to study. He's learnt to love to learn.

He's become a dad twice over and sacrificed his love for study for his greater love for us time and time again.

He's become a better man. The man I married was pretty darn good but he just keeps getting lovelier, wiser, more patient, more close.

I am so proud of the way he loves unreservedly, unconditionally and unceasingly. The way he loves caused us to have great work to do next year.

My partner in life, my dearest best friend, the father of my children. I'm so proud of him. 

And I'm so looking forward to holidaying together when the cares of exams are gone from his mind.

Till Wednesday. Almost there.

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