The wandering gypsies.

11:24 PM

On Monday we decided to move out of our house.

It's been a long time coming. We knew it was happening. Myl has finished college forever and we're on to the next stage of life.

With only one catch. The house we have to move into isn't empty yet. The tenants have till the end of the year to move out and they don't seem to be budging anytime soon.

So that makes us homeless. Wandering gypsies, nomads.

It's not as bad as all that. We've got a few weeks of holidays, some camping, trips to the country to see the fam bam. 

Our car is packed with clothes and tent. We have one fox box full of books and a few toys. The girls have matching fold out lounges to sleep on. Eeek!

It's going to be pretty exciting but I'm sure by the end I'll be yearning for a place to rest my head and set my bags down. It's all making me think of a country and western song.

So it might be even quieter than usual over here on the ole blog but I'm sure to be instagramming up a storm so follow along. 

And if you see a four piece family trekking along the road with a pile of laundry and sun kissed faces, be sure to say hello.

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