Here's a little video I made of all the fun we had last year.
The song is by Winterbourne who we saw many times busking in the Pitt St Mall. It brings so many happy 2015 memories.
We've already raced into 2016 but I've been reflecting on the year that was.
It was a pretty difficult year for our family.
So much was up in the air for so much of the year.
It felt like we were living in constant limbo unable to dig in but unable to get excited about the next adventure.
It would be easy to look back at the year and say it was all bad.
Our minds often work that way.
It's easier to think on the negative but this video reminds me of the fun.
We went on holidays and adventures.
We lazed about and pulled crazy faces.
It was a hard year but a year where we grew so much.
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