Crimmis 2015

7:00 AM
Yeh, it was ages ago but here are some pictures.

We ended up having a bit of a quiet one on Christmas day for lots of different reasons.
After the crazy of moving house it was kinda nice to just kick back the four of us.
I know it gets said a lot but Christmas becomes so much more fun when you have kids.
I can remember as an older teen and young adult thinking Christmas had become really boring but you should have seen me on Christmas eve wrapping presents and getting giddy over how excited the girls would be in the morning. I had decorated the house with a suitable amount of kitsch, dressed up the tree with its bright flashy lights and eaten the leftover lollies from the advent calendar.
I see you tasty starburst.

In the morning everyone slept in.
Praise the Lord we have not reached crazy early Christmas wake up time yet.
And praise the Lord for Christmas Eve services that run late and keep the kiddos up so that they take the aforementioned sleep in.

So, we barely managed to open presents before rushing off to church clad in our brand spankin' Christmas dresses. Aaaaaaaaand we may have eaten lollies and chocolate for breakfast. #itschristmas

After church we built Lego. I know right, such a chore. I don't think the girls were actually allowed to touch the lego for a good hour or so. Myl took the Cinderella castle and I took the Elven bakery. Took me right back to the Christmas of long ago.
I'm sure my parents built my Lego stuff too.

And then we ate.

I think I made enough food for about 15 people. #itschristmas

It was all pretty delicious and after it we decended into a food coma on the lounge.

The girls and I made a sponge cake (my first) to celebrate Jesus' birthday.
We blew out the candles and Smalls wondered when Jesus was showing up.
She kept looking around and was a bit confused that we were blowing out his candles and singing him happy birthday when he clearly was not there. She thought it was hilarious.

Cheers JC. Thanks for being born!

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