eeek... the cuteness!

I spotted the yellow onesie over at Bleubird vintage blog. Its from a site called gilt. Gilt sells lots of different clothes including ones for little ones that are very cute and a bit cheaper than the shops. (Although they are still pretty spennos for such tiny clothes.)

I am a bit of a fan of the colour yellow.

In other news

Bobbin has been wriggling away so happily inside of me lately. I feel movements so often. It is really lovely. Last night they were all in one particular spot so I grabbed Myles hand and put it on my tum. Bob gave an almighty kick (in a very gentle way) and Myles could feel it. Myl was then treated to a lovely little underbelly dance for the next few minutes. I think he was pretty chuffed.

It's his birthday tomorrow. I guess the little one was just wishing him a good one.

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1 comment:

  1. Aww, that is too cute! I remember how great it was to share those kicks with my partner, it's so exciting!!

    And how adorable are those outfits!!!!


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