
10:36 PM

Yep these photos are dodgy and taken at 10pm tonight in the bad lighting of my kitchen when I usually post my weekly pic on a Tuesday but hey.. I'm 22 weeks pregnant. I can be forgiven. PS I wasn't doing the washing up. It's just for looks.
How far along? 22 weeks
Baby’s Size: 26cm and 550g
Maternity Clothes: so much more comfy
Belly Button: Still teetering on the edge of innie and outie
Gender: Will find out on the 27th.
Movement: Lots of dancing and jiggling. Especially when Myl puts his hand on my belly.
Sleep: Yes please.
Symptoms: Tiredness perhaps? Let's hope that is a symptom.
Best Moments this week: Myl finishing his exams! Hooray family time.
Food Aversions: nothing
Food Cravings: yes! apple turnover with cream, chicken nuggets back on the crave list. This doesn't mean I have eaten them though.
What I miss: my mum.
What I am Looking forward to: Getting to the point where I can set up all the little baby things. Cot, pictures etc.
Milestones: The youngest baby ever born who survived was 21 weeks and 5 days old when it was born. We are now past that point.
Awesome fact about little one: Baby can recognise warmth, sound, light and pain. No punching!


  1. You crack me up, Rin! I love your sense of expectation ☺. J x

  2. Lookit your cute bellyyyyy!!


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