Come thou long expected Jesus

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Christmas is on Saturday. Only 5 sleeps till we celebrate the birth of our Lord.

A fantastic book to read to prepare your heart and mind for Christmas is "Come thou long-expected Jesus." It's a series of sermons preached about Christmas over time. There are some old ones like one from Martin Luther and newer ones such as John Piper and Joni Eareckson-Tada.

It's really great to focus your mind on God in a time that goes a bit present crazy. There are some really great insights on the different parts of the Christmas story. There is a reading for just about the 24 days of advent. I wish I were disciplined to read one a day but alas I am not. I really enjoy sitting down and reading one with Myles every now and then though.

On some other Christmassy notes.

Here is my tree for the year. I like to go for the non-traditional tree.

Kinda looks a bit like a scary spider. Oh well.

Here are the Christmas cards I made this year... well I'm still making them. And then I'll send them. They should arrive before Christmas.

PS. I made a facebook group to see who is reading my blog. Go ahead and like it. :)


  1. I think your stain-glass paper cards are very clever Erin. Quite beautifully done.


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