
9:28 PM

How far along? 25 weeks end of 2nd trimester onto the 3rd
Baby’s Size: 33cm and 800g
Maternity Clothes: non preggo tshirts are starting to show the middrift
Belly Button: wish it would pop already my belly goes out on either side of the button making my whole belly look like a bot.
Gender: sweetie-pie chickadee
Movement: She likes to start moving round four and keeps it up till bedtime
Sleep: Have abandoned pillow and doona. My side gets numb from sleeping on it and I feel the pull of getting my belly over when I turn from side to side. I am also having really horrible dreams. It all just leaves me feeling exhausted in the morning. Sleep is not my friend at the moment.
Symptoms: Bit of heartburn, baby dreams, stretching belly muscles.
Best Moments this week: Mum getting to feel her granddaughter kick.
Food Aversions: I'm feeling really full after a small amount of food so if I have an afternoon snack I never really feel like dinner.
Food Cravings: Fruit salad. Milkshakes.
What I miss: Nothing to do with being pregnant but I've been thinking about when I was at school and missing what that was all like.
What I am Looking forward to: Putting my feet up for a week. Not sure when it's gonna happen.
Milestones: 3rd trimester baby! Downhill run.
Awesome fact about little one: This week is when little babies open their eyes for the first time!


  1. You look great! Love your blog. I'm just a week behind you in my pregnancy - 24 weeks! And, am having crazy dreams, too. Taking little naps when possible has definitely helped with getting some rest.

  2. You look great! Love your blog. I'm just a week behind you in my pregnancy - 24 weeks! And, am having crazy dreams, too. Taking little naps when possible has definitely helped with getting some rest.


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