Sufjan's Christmas

10:00 AM
I just love Sufjan Stevens.

His Christmas album has been on repeat every christmas (and often in between) since I got it.

This Christmas he has put out a new Christmas album.

You can't buy it yet but you can listen to the whole thing right here on my blog!

Hooray. There are some great tracks on there. I especially like the Carol of Benjamin the Bearded.

Sufjan Stevens - Gloria! Songs for Christmas, Vol. 6 by rawkblog


  1. i love Sufjan but have never heard his Christmas cd! thanks!!

  2. Actually not a new album, it's been out for a few years..nevertheless, it's beautiful! I love his arrangement of Holy Holy Holy :)

  3. The 5 cd set is not new but number 6 is. That is the one that you can listen to on my blog. ;)

  4. Hi Rin, I've nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award. To accept, please visit I hope you enjoy your award and that you are having a fantastic time this holiday season.


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