I've got no class.

Parenting and Childbirth class that is. I've had the sheet of available classes for such a long time but never really got around to calling the number.
About two weeks ago I called. It went straight to the answering machine.
Two weeks later nobody has called back.
So I called again. Answering machine.

Am I calling at the wrong time?

Hopefully we can get some classes before March. Whoever heard of taking your baby to preparation for childbirth class?

Other things on my seemingly endless to do list.

- Book a bed at the Maternity Ward. (Not too worried about this one as I want to go straight home.)
- Book a 34 week ultrasound. Got the answering machine.
- Have a blood test before Christmas.
- Fold large pile of clean laundry so that I can...
- Clear a space for the cot in our bedroom so that I can...
- Build the cot so that I can...
- Get a mattress/sheets etc for the cot.
- Clean out the study to make nursery area.
- Set up nappy change table
- Wash all the baby clothes
- Take a trip to ikea to get baby things. My list so far is under $100!

Granted a lot of this stuff can get done later. I've got till March after all!


  1. I love that you wrote your list out! I was so nervous about signing up for our class because there was only one available before our due date... and i thought oh no what if it fills up! Thankfully we got in. Is the place close by? If they don't call back/pick up again I wonder if you will have to take a trip down there just to be safe.

    Hope you had a relaxing day off!

  2. Do I remember right that you wanted to do Julie Clarke's course? Her mobile no. is on her website at http://www.julieclarke.com.au/pages/contact-julie.php if you want to try a different avenue...

    Love your list. Putting together a nursery is almost as fun as using it!! Don't put off booking your bed though - wanting to go straight home and being allowed to go straight home are different matters entirely (and RPA have opened up some new single rooms, if you're lucky enough to land one STAY UNTIL THEY KICK YOU OUT!!)


  3. Do I remember right that you wanted to do Julie Clarke's course? Her mobile no. is on her website at http://www.julieclarke.com.au/pages/contact-julie.php if you want to try a different avenue...

    Love your list. Putting together a nursery is almost as fun as using it!! Don't put off booking your bed though - wanting to go straight home and being allowed to go straight home are different matters entirely (and RPA have opened up some new single rooms, if you're lucky enough to land one STAY UNTIL THEY KICK YOU OUT!!)


  4. Don't worry too much if you don't get a class. I met wonderful people in my class, but other than that there was no real benefit in it.

  5. Carey - yes the hospital is about 5 mins drive. It is very close. They rang back but I missed them and when they called back it was back to the answering machine.

    Nic - thanks for the page. It looks really good but maybe really popular. Worth a try anyway.
    Yes I do need to book my bed just in case. I think I really just want to come home if I can. Not a huge fan of hospitals and RPA has a great early discharge program.

  6. get thee to booking a room you crazy girl!!!! Seriously, you probably WON"t want to go straight home. I was given a single room at RPA (they try to give the single rooms to the first-time mamas) and did NOT want to go home. Hayden was able to stay with me the whole time on the fold-out bed, and just having midwives around to help with feeding, which was way more difficult and painful than I'd anticipated, and the hospital provides and washes nappies and food (pretty crappy but but better than thinking about it yourself). Even just seeing other exhausted mums and hearing their crying bubs in the wee wee hours makes you feel less alone. YOur hormones will do crazy things, and first time, you want that 24 hr support

    We did a one day class run by a midwife just in a church hall, not connected to a hospital and it was a total waste of time and money. I left it way too late to do the weekly classes, which would have been much better. If you are wanting a natural birth, maybe go for a specific birthing class geared for that? Either way, not going to class won't stop that bub from being born.

  7. I should mention that I will have my mum around for four weeks after the baby is born. She is a midwife and pretty amazing.

    But yes I do take the point that I may not feel like going straight home and it is always good to have the option.

  8. Don't get sick at Christmas. Nothing is open and everyone is on holidays.


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