What's up Doc?

I went to the doctor last Thursday to get my thyroid results and have a checkup.
My TSH is a little low still but within the normal range which is awesome!
Seems like that little pill I take each morning is working and I don't need to change my dosage.

Our little girl is having a lovely time inside.
My blood pressure was 114/67 which the doctor said was perfect.
My belly is as big as it should be at 25cm.
Baby's heart is beating at 150bpm and she is head down.
She is likely to stay head down till March. I hope she doesn't get bored.
She has been kicking up a storm especially when I sing or play music or when we are at church.

Our little girl is really starting to become part of the family. She has kicked her aunt and uncle and even been given a name. (Still undecided on whether it's going to be announced to the world.)


I had such a lovely weekend with family. My brother Ben is getting married on Saturday and on the weekend was his bucks day and his fiancee Evies hens weekend.

My sister and I went along to the hens on the central coast. It was so lovely.
It's very exciting to be getting a new sister and through the weekend I got to spend so much time with the one I already have.

I wish I had taken some photos. It was really quite lovely.


  1. YOU PICKED OUT A NAME!?! Gosh, I'm dying to know. Of course... whether you want to announce or not is entirely up to you. But a guessing game with some hints would be fun ;) haha. No, really. It's up to you!
    Glad things went well at the doc.

  2. Ooh a guessing game sounds fun.
    I am so terrible at keeping secrets I would probably give a very obvious clue and ruin it all.


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